Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1, 2012

What type of men are you attracting with your natural hair?


Now that you are sporting your beautiful natural tresses & showing off that CURLY confidence, have you noticed a change in the men that you attract? Does it seem that those men show you more respect on the approach? I must say that I have noticed a HUGE change in the type of guys that approach me, and a difference in the way they choose approach me! Maybe it is because they sense that you are confident, strong, powerful & embracing natural beauty? I am not completely sure, I guess this post calls for an interview in the future? Anyway, this is strictly my opinion (as most of my post) So hope you all agree to some degree? :) Read more below! ....


Perhaps the connection is an unspoken bond of embracing black culture and natural black hair!? These guys LOVE natural girls and appreciate their beauty (with all its kinks, coils, curls & locs)!!  You two can share hair secrets & tips, and attend natural hair events together! He sees an immediate thing that you both have in common!  What a natural chemistry!


A cross between the words “black” and “hipster”! These guys usually have natural hair, unruly beards and embrace their skin color; listen to a lot of old school poetry hip hop and maybe even jazz! They also have a strong sense of self which is why they dig us natural chics so much!!!


Straight edged and "by the book", this type of guy may be mainstream & politically correct, but he definitely admires you being natural and elegant. Natural beauty....simple yet complex! And he loves that!!! 


Are you surprised? Maybe not....I notice plenty of interracial couples consist of a kinky girl (hair that is)! Personally, I get the occasional glance and/or advance by these guys; something I never noticed before....So, maybe you do not date white guys, or may so; but they make you feel super comfortable with compliments about your hair. They may not fully understand "natural" black hair, but they know that its pretty & makes you super attractive! 

Thanks for reading & (as always) Feel free to comment!



  1. My natural flow is BALD !!!

  2. Jess@a natural flowJuly 1, 2012 at 11:39 PM

    :)) Well in the natural hair community, we call that a "Big chop"!!! And its beautiful too! Super easy to maintain!!!! ;))
